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When they say they sent it in…

By Bill Quimby on April 27, 2023

When your phone company rep says they sent the Resporg change form in, and are waiting for it to be released, most customers assume that means they sent it to us, and they’re waiting for us to release it. But that’s NOT what it means. The rep you talk to, doesn’t send the request to us. They send it to their supervisor, who probably sends it to the toll free department.They might send it to another reseller, where it goes through a couple steps provisioning and programming the number, and THEN they send it to us. They have to assign that number to your account, and put in the ring to (provisioning) information.

We can’t release a number to a big company until they request it because that’s like mailing something to a large business without putting it to your attention. It’s not going to get to you.Putting a number under their control before it’s assigned to you means it could be assigned to any account there. That’s why we have to wait for the request. The exception is some private resporgs or resporg services that give each customer their own resporg ID.

So, your request has to go through multiple hands at your phone company before it gets to us for a reason. Those steps are important because you don’t just want us to release it, you want them to make sure it’s assigned to you and provisioned properly too. We’re happy to release it, even after hours or on a weekend, we’re happy to do our part but we want it to be done properly for you too!

We've helped tens of thousands of customers get great numbers over the past 25+ years

For years Ive been trying to get the perfect toll free number for my law firm. That would be the number with my name in it! I am a busy attorney with neither the time nor the expertise to search. Bill and his team did the searching for me and when they discovered a number that had become available they walked me through the steps to get it. Better yet, their follow up after the sale was tremendous. I would highly recommend Bill and his team at TollFreeNumbers.com to you if you are serious about getting a vanity toll free number for your business.

Benjamin Glass

Fairfax station, VA

Let me start by saying it was a very smooth and easy transition in getting our new toll free number. Tollfreenumbers.com was able to port my number to my phone company with no problems. In fact I didn't have to do anything, they took care of it. Also I spent hours if not days looking for a specific vanity number that I wanted. It seems as though Tollfreenumbers.com has the widest database of toll free numbers. If I would have known what I know now, I could have saved a lot of time by coming to their website first. There is really no reason to look anywhere else, and not to mention they offer these great toll free numbers at the cheapest price I find. Thank you Tollfreenumbers.com, for helping iRentCanada.ca market our website by adding a great vanity number 877-387-iRent

Brandon Segal


It is a very easy process to get a great vanity toll free number with TollFreeNumbers.com. We have been very pleased to see that it was up and working quickly and smoothly. Highly recommend 1 800 MARKETER!

Pierre Smith

Hollywood, FL